CLOSING DATE: 14:00:00 Sep 30, 2023





Photos: 1737 - Entrants: 108 - Country: 7


The Hue International Photography Festival 2023 is being held in Hue Ancient Capital, hosting diverse activities including photography, seminars, exhibitions, and volunteer works. These activities serve for the purpose of promoting beautiful images of Vietnam and Vietnamese people, especially the history of the Ancient Capital as well as fortifiying international relationship between countries through photography.

The contest’s theme this year will be tangible and intangible heritage, culture, architecture, landscape, people of Hue Ancient Capital. Hue is renowned for many tangible and intangible heritages, which have amazed and recognized by UNESCO. This is why, Hue International Photography Festival 2023 will be an opportunity for professional photographers to gather in Hue and to one more time, reminiscencing the beauty of this wonder land through the eyes of international photographers


The Contest rewards include symbolic prizes, gifts, and a paper certificate presented by the Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists as part of the event Hue International Photography Festival 2023 (not including membership points).
Hue International Photography Festival 2023'S Awards : 01 Grand prize Photography Award, 01 Hue's heritage Photography Award, 01 Craft village Photography Award, 01 Urban culture, Photography Award, 01 Architecture Photography Award, 01 Landscape Photography Award, 01 Portrait Photography Award, 01 Lagoon's lifestyle Photography Award